Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ghost World

"Ghost World"
Starring: Thora Birch, Scarlett Johansson, Steve Buscemi
Grade: B

Ghost World is a nice little coming of age story from director Terry Zwigoff, starring mainly Thora Birch, and Scarlett Johansson before she broke out. The film based off of a comic tells a familiar yet original story of outsiders, teen angst, friendship, and relationships.

The directing isn't flashy, but the performances and script do more than enough to suffice. The story revolves around Enid played by Birch and her curiosity about a middle-aged man Seymour, played effortlessly by Steve Buscemi. They don't have much in common, but quickly learns things about each other and life, in this semi-romance/friendship.

The film is about growing up and progression. When the film starts, the two females have just graduated high school, and plan on doing what every girl wants to do, get a job, move into an apartment together and so on. The script identifies with modern youth in their hesitance towards responsibility and growing up

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