Saturday, October 25, 2008

The size of "4 Weddings" without the funeral.

"Rachel Getting Married"
Starring: Anne Hatheway, Rosemarie DeWitt, Bill Irwin, Mather Zicker, Tunde Adepimbe, Debra Winger

Kudos to the strong film-making by Jonathan Demme. Demme has crafted some of the best films of the 90's, i.e., Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia. This decade he has stayed quiet. He has returned to form here, with his best film since The Silence of the Lambs.

The film is also a showcase for actress Anne Hatheway. In this film, Hatheway's Kym shows the angst and growth of females of her generation. Hatheway breaks out of her familiar mold as getting typecast as the next Reese Witherspoon.

Hatheway plays Kym, a recovering addict, who has been in and out a rehab for years. Rachel played by the lovely Rosemarie DeWitt is marrying Sydney, played by Tunde Adpimbe, who is also in the real-life band T.V. on the Radio.

The arrival of Kym back home is unsettling for the family. Everyone walks on eggshells wondering how Kym will act outside of rehab. The film is honest in its attempts to not forgive Kym so easily for her past acts, but to dwell on how she can gain support around her family.

While the film is a drama, it is also a "wedding movie." It has the authentic feel and flow of being filmed on a hand-held throughout. The actors roam free with their actions, not knowing the camera can be on them at any moment. Demme's direction is suberb in creating atmosphere and mood for a whole 120 minutes.

There are scenes in the film that will ring true with everybody. Portraits of family regret, sadness, forgiveness, etc. The honesty of the performances and the script are what appealed to me. Everyone's actions are real, and all feelings are revealed for each character, except for Kym's distant mother played by Debra Winger, in a fiery yet restrained performance.

The film reveals its layers gradually, stemming from dialouge to facial expressions. Rachel Getting Married is a true film, an American film, and breakout role for Anne Hatheway who truly arrives on the list of A-list actresses after this role. Look for her name to be mentioned during awards season.

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